Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dress Your Best
by Clinton Kelly and Stacy London
Do you love to watch those make over shows, I do, I love TLC's What Not to Wear. In Dress Your Best : The Complete Guide to Finding the Style That's Right for Your Body the hosts of TLC's What Not to Wear Clinton Kelly and Stacy London guide you to dressing your best, for both men and women.
In this book, the authors describe how to dress for the way women are built, "bigger on bottom," "a little extra in the middle," "curvy," or "extra curvy" with suggestions for petite, average height, and tall. Each style has a work style, casual style, and special occassion style.
For the men styles include short, average, tall, small framed, tummy, or hips. Each of these styles are illustrated with work, casual, or evening wear.
The book is a fun way to look at fashion and if you have ever seen What Not to Wear then you will love this book.