Tuesday, June 13, 2006

To Kill A Mockingbird
By Harper Lee
Atticus Finch, a single father, has his hands full raising his children: Scout and Jem in the 1930s in the deep South. Scout, a tomboy, fills this book with her honesty and innocence while we follow Jem’s transformation from a child to a young man. We share the children’s curiosity of their neighbor, Boo Radley. Is he a violent murderer? Why does no one ever see him leave his house?
Their father, a lawyer, teaches them respect for all people, regardless of race or class. This teaching is challenged when a black man is accused of raping a white girl, and Finch becomes his defense lawyer. The town is divided, neighbors are pitted against neighbors, threats are made to the family, and one night changes everyone’s lives forever.
To Kill a Mockingbird was written in 1960, went on to win a Pulitzer Prize, and was voted the Best Novel of the Centu ry by librraians for the Libray Journal. The author, Harper Lee, a long-time friend of Truman Capote, never wrote another book.

The text covers issues from getting out of debt, investing in stocks, bonds and annuities, what kind of insurance you need, retirement plan options, marriage/partnership, property, wills/ trusts, and paying for college
This is an excellent book with real value because you are getting the information you need to make good choices where it matters.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Eric Blehm
Randy lived his childhood in Yosemite, where his father was employed. He became a seasonal ranger there and later a back-country ranger in Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park for 28 years. His supervisors believed he was the most knowledgable and experienced ranger on staff, and he was always called on when hikers became lost in the spectacular but sometimes perilous mountains.
One day during a particularly difficult time in his life, Randy left a note at his primitive camp saying "Ranger on patrol - will return in 3-4 days". He never returned. The experienced ranger himself became the subject of the largest search and rescue effort ever in the parks. Park employees' opinions varied as to what happened to him. Did he not want to be found and was he living a new life somewhere? Did he experience an injury and was he trapped in an inaccessible area? Did he take his own life?
Author Eric Blehm spent years inquiring into the character of a complicated and solitary man - researching his beliefs, personal life, marriage, and relationships with fellow rangers and friends.
This is a fascinating tale with a good bit of mystery, written by a man who also heard the wilderness call to him.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Now wanted by the FBI as a psycho terrorist, Mary Ann escapes to a hotel where she pierces her nose, dyes her hair black, and reinvents herself as Nina Zero.
Mary starts out as a normal young woman who allows herself to be pushed around by the men in her life. By the end of the book, although she is in a lot more trouble, she comes out of her ordeal a mentally stronger person.
Another fasted paced book where the chick kicks some butt!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Georgia Ka'apuni McMillen
Moani is a successful young woman who owns and operates a kayak tour buisness. After years as a kayak guide, paddling rich tourists through Hawaii's wilderness Moani would like to build a more stable life for her mentally retarded sister who lives with her. Because of her business contacts a hotel seems to be the logical next step.
The property Moani would like to purchase, an old school, was the scene of her great aunt Lydia's murder in 1922. In alternating chapters this book tells the story of Lydia's murder and Moani's present day struggles.
Different characters enter and their parts in Lydia's life come to the surface.
If you are looking for something that is a little bit different to read this summer
LOOK IN THE STAFFS' PICKS for "School for Hawaiian Girls".
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Dress Your Best
by Clinton Kelly and Stacy London
Do you love to watch those make over shows, I do, I love TLC's What Not to Wear. In Dress Your Best : The Complete Guide to Finding the Style That's Right for Your Body the hosts of TLC's What Not to Wear Clinton Kelly and Stacy London guide you to dressing your best, for both men and women.
In this book, the authors describe how to dress for the way women are built, "bigger on bottom," "a little extra in the middle," "curvy," or "extra curvy" with suggestions for petite, average height, and tall. Each style has a work style, casual style, and special occassion style.
For the men styles include short, average, tall, small framed, tummy, or hips. Each of these styles are illustrated with work, casual, or evening wear.
The book is a fun way to look at fashion and if you have ever seen What Not to Wear then you will love this book.